About Me

Wiki Article

It's amazing what people do with their bizarre hobbies. I mean, I get that it's fun to be into something different, but some of these people take things to a whole other level. Tim is my friend. He claims he's a fitness enthusiast. This guy spends more time working out at the gym than other people. The problem is that he never lifts any weight and only goes to the cardio machines. What ups films are another thing. Any movie that is "so bad it hurts" will be watched by him. I swear, he doesn't care about taste. But you know what? Because I have my own quirks, I don't think he can blame me. Even though I don't know how to type, I still love collecting vintage typewriters. You don't even need to mention my bizarre fascination about sharks.

A directory of film blogs

Bad Films
TV Cults
Something wicKED this way comes....
Films about haunted homes

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